Peripheral Neuropathy


Peripheral Neuropathy

Taking Care Of Diabetes – This 3D medical animation on peripheral neuropathy explains the anatomy and physiology of peripheral nerves. It reveals the causes and symptoms of two kinds of peripheral neuropathy: mononeuropathy which is damage to a single nerve, and polyneuropathy…

Diabetes – Bagaimana Kita Bisa Mencegahnya?

Taking Care Of Diabetes Pada sering kan denger orang bercanda tentang diabetes? Tau ga, kalau diabetes itu sebenernya kondisi yang serius loh! Yuk disimak video kali ini, biar pada paham semua:D. Mau mendukung kami lebih jauh lagi? Selain dengan meng-subscribe dan membagikan…

The Science of Pornography Addiction (SFW)

Addictions TWEET IT – It's the primary topic for web searches, but do we ever before take into consideration just how pornography can have long-term neuroplastic results? Discover the difficult scientific research behind the 'porn epidemic' – the internet's medicine of selection.…