NY Gov. Won’t Resign After Report Finds He Harassed Women; Health Official Pushes for Masks at Home

Learn more about women health here Millions might remain in their homes. That's after the CDC just issued a new #EvictionBan. It comes after the previous one ended over the weekend break. The CDC says evicting people might be harmful to public…

Hunter Biden filmed himself smoking ‘drugs’ during detox after dad gave him $75k

Detox safely and effectively HUNTER Biden recorded himself smoking cigarettes drugs as well as alcohol consumption difficult seltzer in a float tank while on a detox – spent for after a $75k handout from his dad Joe. Exclusive footage gotten by The…

McDonald’s is going green with paper packaging

Going Green McDonald's said that in 2020, 99.6% of the paper bags, food wrappers, napkins, cup carriers and other fiber-based materials it used to package meals for customers came from recycled or certified sustainable fiber sources. #McDonalds #Sustainability #News #Reuters Subscribe: Reuters…