Bent-Over Row | How To Perform It Correctly And Safely | Men’s Health UK

Men Health

The bent-over row is a closed chain task, targeting the larger worldwide muscle mass, yet you'll additionally obtain some excellent employment of your trunk stabilisers.

How To Do It:

1 A little flexed knee
2 Joint over from hip– attempt this with no load initially
3 Preserve a neutral back with your hands shoulder-width apart
4 To make certain complete variety of movement is happening, consider pulling your elbows behind you as well as hold for one second before regulating the load pull back
5 Make certain the line of pull enjoys the tummy button as well as not right into the breast bone (this isn't an upright row).
❎ Don't go too heavy and start to snag the tons up.
❎ Keep torso position consistent throughout, losing the hinging position will certainly reduce series of movements.